Thursday, May 26, 2005


i have been led on big time!!!
i thought i could enrol, until pola picked up their thesis and was told that "no, you cant yet!!!" its so freaking annoying!!! I feel now that everyday i just write miserable things here... so ur probably gonna say... this is a very sad girl... anyway, i have a bigger frustration than that...

last night i was texting with jp (jp garcia---yes son of that garcia guy who alledgedly stole from the AFP) and he was telling me to get a hold of a copy of PHILIPPINE STAR cus there's this very "piss-taking" article on them that's based on tito efren's (efren abu=chief of staff) statement of AFP's willingness to turnover the GARCIA's...
i dont have a reaction to that... im friends with the Garcia's before this happened and that's not the reaosn i brought this up... So anyway, at that point JP asked me if i was still in touch with Dianne and i told him that we sort of drifted apart...
I've long wanted to talk about this but i've kept myself from making it an issue until recently when Dianne had a "birthday party" and did not invite me but had the audacity to seek my sisters help with her "red-wine-soaked-phone-cus-i-had-such-a-great-time-at-my-party"...
As I see it, she only needed me when she was totally out of it, but once she'd gotten a good grasp of her world she was more than willing to let go... Maybe I was too boring compared to her drug addict friends... i dunno... Its just amazing how I used to see her as my soul mate but now her spirit has left me forever...
Today she rang me and I think I was willing to give her another chance, but apparently she just took time out of her busy schedule to ask me what benefits she could get from working for PAL (since my mom used to be with PAL--hence our tickets) and after I told her goodluck with her application she tells me: "Oh okay, Goodluck also with your Dentistry SHIT"

Haahahahahaha!!! My what???


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