Tuesday, January 11, 2005

why earl???

"why earl?" same question jason asked me when he rang me at home to go deeper into the story than he has already is.

it's actually very hilarious. crafted by roman and ryan (camp friends) who for years have given names to mostly everyone in the group. you'd have to be sad if you hadn't been christened with one name at least... (i.e. DIANNE: baby D; JUDD: juggy, juggernaut, japoops, chapupu; RYAN: rigor, rigorot, rhezhous; CARLO: acarl, shroal; JACK: jfigs and others that i can't remember!)

...now here...
my mom's name is rocky. when i was younger, like gradeschool young, i was called rocky and i hated it... i mean first of all it's not my name right? second its my mom's name??? so to make it more appropriate they added a "C" and it became crocky... then i left for london and when i got back it sort of went back to rocky again and then crocky... and then the next thing i knew they were calling me sonny crocket. i think that's from one of the vintage disney films or maybe not cus i have a memory of this song "davy, davy crocket" so now i'm realizing as i'm writing this that i don't exactly know where sonny crocket came from....

so anyway, from sonny crocket which i abhorred with much intensity, i became earl sonny... with an earl sonny crocket, and earl sonny alvarado derivative and then the guys went wild with names... and what used to be an annual evolution became monthly... some even weekly.

earl sonny crocket, later on became earl the pearl, which i found rather amazing cus i didn't mind being a pearl at all... however, earl the pearl i think was much work for them (3 words--such a task for guys) so it wasn't long before i was pearl shake and pearl shike.(to signify some kind of ghetto slang accent of some sort) well, those were okay too cus it wasn't distasteful at all until suddenly... it became PERLA...

luckily though PERLA did not survive and since to most of them earl stuck... for almost 2 years now my name has not evolved any further. which brings me now to why jack calls me "EARL"...

ok? thank you very much!!!


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