Saturday, February 25, 2006


"Never Again"
as i slowly play the scenes in my mind i cant help realize how yesterday seemed unreal...
before we all slept the night of february 23rd, my dad received a call from Lt Gen. Senga and he immediately fled to Villiamor... that meant nothing to me until hours later at 3am february 24th my phone started ringing violebntly and although still spaced out and out of it, i took every word from my dad and sensed the urgency in his voice...
we were to pack our things and evacuate to Alabang. Sarge Nebol was to arrive in a few minutes and I was tasked to relay this message to my still slumbering family...
Minutes later, all our bags were hurriedly stacked inside the STAREX and as the VIOS doors closed and Sarge Basa stepped on the accelerator, I realized that this peaceful early morning would be broken soon... that unlike years ago during the 1989 coup de etat, we were being prepared for battle, we were being given a head start.
We never turned the television OFF yesterday. And I anticipated every call from my dad. We waited patiently, frightened but with much hopes that this battle would never take place... and it never did...
Today we went back to Camp Aguinaldo... and as we listened to my dad's story I realized how great a man he really is and how strong his love is for his country. This makes me really proud and placated... for I know, people like my dad will never let harm come our way...

Monday, February 13, 2006



its funny how scarred and scared almost is one same word cus sometimes the reason why one gets scared for life is because he has been scarred intensely at one point...

i have been scarred... many times my body is full of marks around me. Sometimes I try different methods of concealing them but it gets really tough at times that no matter how well i try to hide behind shadows and masks, people get a peak of what's really inside...

this is my life...
since the beginning of my existence keeping at it had been a struggle...
to survive i had to fight for my life...
to be happy i had to sacrifice much...
to love, i had to take it all...
all the pain...

just to make it here...
just be alive...